Since starting our organization in 2012, we have given several hundred devices to individuals and classrooms.
Below are some of the stories that parents have shared about the difference using an iPad has made for their children.

“I would just like to let you know how much iPad has helped Lydia. She is speaking more and wanting to try to do it without the iPad when she can. I can't believe what a difference this has made in our lives and great changes it has made for her.”
“Miles is extremely confident using the iPad! He is working diligently on his letters and numbers. And having fun while doing it! This past year he has made more progress academically then the last two years. I have seen the iPad become his safety net. In crowded, noisy, hectic situations Miles can tune out with his iPad. He can actually sit at the table when we go to a restaurant rather then hide under it! That means the world to us!”

Brady and Jackson
“My boys, Brady and Jackson, received an iPad a little over 2 years ago. Today, Brady is doing fantastic in school with the help of his device. He can communicate his needs and even answer questions for his teacher. Last week I learned that Brady has mastered the alphabet. He can recite them in order, forward and backwards, even starting in the middle! This is truly miraculous. His life has changed dramatically in such a short time!
My oldest son Jackson, also with ASD, has made huge leaps and bounds with the iPad! He has a lot of trouble with his fine motor skills. I have installed many programs that specifically target this and help with handwriting. He is in first grade this year and he is now able to write some things in his own handwriting!”